You know that feeling – it worked perfectly when you opened it, but it doesn’t now and you don’t have the receipt because it was a gift and you are too embarrassed to ask Aunt Bertha where she bought it…… Chailey Repair Café will come to the rescue – there isn’t much that our Café’s skilled repair teams can’t take on!
We had a remarkably successful 2024 and go from strength to strength. It's notable that we now have a regular core of customers - we see the same faces over and over again, as well as new visitors, who tell us it's the first time they've been to a Repair Café and they didn't know that such things exist!
During 2024, our talented repair teams tackled some very unusual items , including antlers, a balalaika, a donkey, an elephant and a unicorn, (not all at once!) a chandelier and a helicopter, as well as the usual collection of toasters, irons, record players, table lamps, broken zips and furniture…
Don’t forget that we have an IT team who will not only get your new laptop or iPad working properly but will also spend time showing you how to use it if you’ve got stuck. We also have a state of the art sharpening machine to sort out those blunt knives and garden tools. It’s all in a day’s work for this successful local initiative which has gone from strength to strength and is now in its 8th year!
Our 2025 dates are easy to remember – we are normally open every 2nd Saturday of each month between 10am – 1pm. Our new 2025 posters and flyers with all this year's dates are now available at the Café, so you won’t forget!
Chailey Repair Café is part of a world-wide movement where volunteer experts repair things free of charge – although a donation towards running costs is invited. Anyone can bring along broken items or clothing needing repair from home, and have a cuppa and a cake while they wait!
You’ll find us at St Peter’s Church, Chailey on the A275 at Chailey Green normally on the second Saturday of each month (11th Jan, 8th Feb, 8th March and so on….) between 1000hrs and 1300hrs where we have a full Café service including our legendary cakes!
Contact us at chaileyrc@gmail.com and we’ll see what we can do to help.
See you very soon and a very Happy New Year from all of us here at Chailey Repair Café!!
Bryan McAlley and the Chailey Repair Café team