Staff shortages at Eastbourne and Tunbridge Wells shut local maternity units.
Eastbourne Midwifery Unit & Crowborough Birthing Centre are currently closed for Labour care and births with immediate effect.
This is due to staffing challenges with the community team at Eastbourne and staff shortages at the main Obstetric unit at Tunbridge Wells, meaning that Crowborough's staff are covering shifts at the main hospital.
Here’s the statement from East Sussex NHS Trust : “We understand this is distressing for families planning to give birth at EMU however we believe this to be the safest option to support all of the maternity services at this time.
Please contact your community midwife with any concerns for this and remember that triage remains open 24/7 for any immediate concerns regarding your pregnancy.
Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust have not released a statement regarding Crowborough's temporary closure at this time.