Polling station review

Electors in Wealden are being asked to give their views on polling stations they go to when voting in elections.

The law requires councils to review their polling districts, places and stations every five years. The last one for Wealden was in 2019.


Voters in the Wealden district area or within its neighbouring parliamentary constituency areas of Lewes, Eastbourne and Bexhill and Battle, are invited to give feedback on the convenience and suitability of the places currently used for voting and to suggest possible alternative locations.


The review starts on Monday 2 October and will be completed in January 2024, when final proposals are considered by the council’s Audit, Finance and Governance Committee. The public consultation period runs until 30 November and electors can send in their comments in writing by email or by filling in a form on the council’s new interactive tool, Let’s Talk.  https://letstalk.wealden.gov.uk/

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The council would like to hear from electors, particularly those with any type of disability and any person or organisation with particular expertise in accessibility issues.


‘Polling places’ are the buildings or areas designated by the council where electors in a polling district go to vote in person. ‘Polling stations’ are the rooms where voters collect their ballot papers.


As part of the Review, Wealden council will be seeking representations from Acting Returning Officers (AROs) for each parliamentary constituency which is wholly or partly in its area. Their views will be published within 30 days of receipt and electors can also comment on them.


Once the review is completed, in early 2024, all correspondence and comments received will, by law, be published and made available for inspection.


Councillor James Partridge, Alliance for Wealden (Liberal Democrat), lead councillor for Governance, Community Leadership and Communications and leader of the council, said, “This is an important review for residents because it’s about voting, which should be as easy as possible.  We have a legal obligation to do the review but, as we run all elections in Wealden, it is obviously important for us to understand what suits residents when it comes to voting. We want everyone to have a polling station, which is not easy in Wealden’s big rural area.


“I would ask everyone to fill in the online form as it’s everyone’s opportunity to have their say and let us know what is and is not working for them when voting in person.”


Review information can be inspected at The Council Offices, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX, at the public library in Wadhurst and also at the following town/parish council offices:

  • Crowborough – Pine Grove, Crowborough, TN6 1DH
  • Uckfield – Uckfield Civic Centre, Uckfield, TN22 1AE
  • Polegate – Council Offices, 49 High Street, Polegate, BN26 6AL
  • Heathfield and Waldron – 73 High Street, Heathfield, TN21 8HU
  • Forest Row – The Community Centre, Hartfield Road, Forest Row, RH18 5DZ
  • Willingdon & Jevington – Council Office, The Triangle, Willingdon, BN20 9PJ


Any comments and representations may be submitted by post to Electoral Services PDR, The Council Offices, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX, by email to PDR@wealden.gov.uk or by completing the online feedback form.


All comments must be made by no later than 5pm on Thursday 30 November 2023.

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